
Showing posts from February, 2019

Understanding The Biblical Roles Of The Shepherd (Pastor) And The Sheep (Church Member)

A shepherd caring for and leading a flock of sheep is the analogy that God chose to use throughout the Scriptures, as a picture of how a pastor is in regards to the congregation he is placed over. In the western culture in the 21st century, we have strayed so far from the understanding and carrying out of these roles, to the point where pastors are rarely trusted, followed, or seen as visionary leaders, (unfortunately, in rare cases with good reason), and congregations have grown to believe it is their job, their role to steer, and at times correct, the pastor. First off, that is not biblical and is never the case. When church members ask who a pastor is accountable to, the answer first of all; is God himself, and then those that the Lord has placed over the pastor. The pastor will answer to God, and to those he is under, for how he has led the flock entrusted to his care. Besides, if he is not cognizant and respectful of his responsibility before God, what worry would he