Get A Grip!

How can you GET A GRIP & strengthen your hold on life when it often seems like it is slipping out of your hands or spinning out of control?

Over the past few months God has been strengthening my grip in every area of my life. It has been a very rough, yet refining time, and it has been both encouraging and exciting to hear God speak and to see Him move in the midst of it.

Here are just a few things that He is teaching me, and I truly believe that they can help you to GET A GRIP in your life and strengthen your hold as well…

1) Set God-Centered Priorities 
How do you know what your priorities are? What you are committed to, is your priority. What has the majority of your time? What would your kids say is the most important thing in your life? Answer each of these questions honestly and you will begin to see. GET A GRIP on your priorities!

2) Engage In Biblical Community 
Not just attending church every now and again, but engaging--using your gifts, abilities, and talents in a way that blesses others and blesses you in the process. You weren't created to be an island, so connect with others. GET A GRIP and get involved!

3) Honor God With Your Money 
Tell your money where to go, don’t let it tell you where you are going. Target your giving and give with purpose. God's Word is clear...Give faithfully, and be blessed--Don't, and forfeit the blessing. GET A GRIP on your finances and be obedient to the Lord!

4) Enjoy Leisure And Downtime 
Make a point of taking time to rest, breathe deep, and enjoy some time off. Learn to able to relax, disconnect, and decompress from all of life's busyness and stress. Everybody needs a break sometimes, so find something you like and spend some time doing it. GET A GRIP and chill out!

5) Submit To Authority 
The blessed place in life is found under those who are over you. When you place yourself under a covering, (church, pastor, spouse, etc), you find a place of protection and blessing like you've never known before. GET A GRIP and submit to those the Lord places over you!

6) Love Your Family 
Prioritize date nights with your spouse, share dinner around the table, engage in rich conversation, and enjoy family time. Not just bouncing with them to place after place, but leading them to an influential future. Quality time always outweighs sporadic, distracted events. GET A GRIP on your family before they slip out of your hands!

These are some of the areas that I have been focusing on, with God's help, to GET A GRIP in my life. Share your thoughts, insights, and any other areas that God has been helping you to GET A GRIP on as well! Be blessed!!!


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