The Truth About St. Patrick...

The Truth about St Patrick

Everyone knows about St. Patrick's Day, but few know about the man himself, or the origins of some of the traditions/customs surrounding this day. Here are a few interesting facts... 

St. Patrick was a strong defender of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He desired to abolish “religion” and communicate the truth of the need for a real relationship with The Messiah Jesus.

In Britain, he was stolen by raiders from his family at the age of 16 and carried to Ireland as a slave. His message to the church declaring them worshipers of “idols and unclean rituals” was unpopular and he became threatened with martyrdom. Patrick was called “the first bishop to Irish Christians” and his legacy still lives on today.

So where did Leprechauns, three and four leaf clover, green, pinching and luck come from? Every truth always has a “anti.” Here are a few of the traditions explained…

#1 Shamrock…
St. Patrick used the Three Leaf Clover to illustrate the story of the Godhead. He would show the one stem, and the three leaves as a demonstration for the Trinity (three persons, co-existent in one God).

#2 Green…
Ireland carries a mental image of rolling green hills and green in most of it’s national symbols, and therefore became the color naturally associated with this day.

#3 Leprechauns…
St. Patrick has the reputation for praying all of the snakes out of Ireland. Somehow, myths and fables evolved and turned that lore into evil little midgets who live in the woods and hide pots of gold.

#4 Why March 17th…
That is the day that St Patrick died, and since then, Irish Christians have celebrated his life with a feast yearly.

#5 St. Patrick's real name was…
Maewyn Succat – and he was originally from Wales not Ireland.

#6 Pinching…
This is an American tradition that started much later, stating that it would bring you luck, and that if you were to wear green clothing you would be invisible to Leprechauns.

On this day, don't get caught up in the traditions or superstitions, or even in celebrating St. Patrick himself. Instead, celebrate the One whom he served and celebrated...Jesus Christ!


  1. Thank you for posting. Very interesting facts. I knew some of it, enjoyed it. Have a great Friday


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