Defusing Excuses For Not Going To Church

Here Are Ten Of The Top Excuses for Missing or not Going to Church......Defused! 

10. I have nothing to wear to church.
(Here at The Heights, you’ll see dress from skirts, dress slacks and button downs, to Harley leather, blue jeans, hipster skinny’s, t-shirts, running shoes, etc...)

9. Church is full of hypocrites.
(So come on out...we always have room for one more! Just kidding, we try our best to do our best, but not one of us is perfect, except Jesus.)

8. I’m against organized religion.
(Perfect...unfortunately, we’re highly disorganized at times too! lol)

7. Church people hate women/gays/divorced people/ethnic groups/interracial couples/(insert group here...)
(Um, we don’t! We love all people, and welcome and encourage everyone to come experience the power and love of Jesus.)

6. I don’t believe in God.
(That’s okay...God still believes in you and so do we!)

5. Church people are so judgmental.
(Trust us...we all have a past, so not one of us can really be throwing stones at anyone else.)

4. I’m just not being fed.
(How much you get fed often depends on how hungry you are. Come hungry and God will always feed and fill you. Besides, we’re not here just to feed you, but to equip you to help feed yourself and others also!)

3. Years ago, someone at some church somewhere was really awful to me.
(That is terrible and we're truly sorry for your bad experience. Please don't judge all of us based upon that experience...give us a chance to make it up to you and show you that we're not all like that.)

2. I feel like I need to get right with God before I can come to church.
(If you're waiting until everything in your life is perfect and completely in's never gonna happen! So you might as well come on to church now with all of your issues and let God help you work them out, just like we're doing.)

1. Churches just want my money.
(Actually, we just want you to know that all that you have and all that you are comes from God and then encourage you to respond accordingly. The church and God can survive without your money,  but you can't survive and prosper without Him. Besides, the truth is that you will be more likely to thrive and be blessed if you’re willing to share what you have; your time, talents, & treasures, with others.)

So we encourage you to come on out and connect, either here at The Heights, or at least get involved with a solid, Bible-believing, Jesus-preaching, Holy Spirit-led local church in your area. Here at The Heights, we would love to have you join us, but you first need to understand; we aren't perfect, but we are simply REAL PEOPLE, with REAL NEEDS, serving a REAL GOD who has the REAL ANSWERS!


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